Thursday, December 31, 2009

Clean Green

My plan for green living is to start with green cleaning. As I run out of commercial cleaning supplies I'll be switching over to all natural cleaning using things like vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, elbow grease, and small little maids. I worry that the chemicals in my commercial cleaners are not good for my kids and since they are always around when I'm cleaning and always wanting to help (and I hate telling them no!) all natural it is!

I'll post results as I try stuff out. In the meantime if you have any thoughts please share them. Also, if you want to come to my house and try some of this stuff out the key is under the mat!

Breathe Clean!
PS. Don't miss the poll to the right


  1. Are you going to use any of the green cleaning products you can buy? I read 7th Generation's Free and Clear stuff is really good in both effectiveness and "greenness" so I was planning on getting that when I run out of what I have.

  2. Doesn't matter how much lemon you use, nothing kills germs like dangerous chemicals. Ironically, there's a peace of mind for me that comes with cleaning with chemicals that say: DANGER: DO NOT USE WITHOUT PROPER EYE & FACE PROTECTION. IF CLEANER COMES IN CONTACT WITH SKIN OR IS INHALED, SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE.

    I mean, if it's strong enough to damage me, then I figure it's strong enough to kill any microorganism.

    Maybe I've just seen one too many independent ecosystems evolve from jock straps & socks in urinals.

