Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thorougly Green Thursday

The first thing I've ran out of is Pledge.  Since I rarely dust it's probably the first can I ever bought.  Just kidding, I don't dust that infrequently.  So I went online and found a  recipe for "Natural Dusting Furniture Polish" for a website called the Kitchen Herbalist

Here it is:
1/2 Cup filtered water (I used regular tap water)
1/4 Cup white distilled vinegar (already had a big bottle!)
3-4 Tbs. almond or light olive oil (I went with the olive oil so I could use it for other things)
40-60 drops lemon essential oil (bought at the health food store down the street)
20-30 drops cedar essential oil (also from health food store)
20-30 drops sweet orange essential oil (the health food store didn't have this but I think it's just for smell)

Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well, use like Pledge.


  1. Tap water my leave a residue. Let me know.

  2. Ok 2 questions for you: when it's time to make an all-purpose cleaner/disinfectant, do you plan on using Borax? Because I can't seem to find an all-purpose cleaner recipe that doesn't unless it's just water and vinegar. And I wonder how clean that's making my kitchen counters.


    Have you found any other good sites other than the Kitchen Herbalist which appears to no longer exist (unless maybe your link is wrong)?

  3. A friend of mine is very "green" to a fault almost ;-) Here is her blog, take a look I'm sure you'll find it interesting!

  4. How is it working for you Shannon? also, tara, check out Jonni has recipes for cleaners but most of them include Borax.
